Started by chief, April 21, 2016, 20:38:02 PM

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Since our move in May 2022 we have not enabled our ad sales packages.

If you have a bike for sale simply list in our classifieds. If you want/need more exposure and want to spend some money on page ads etc. PM me. 

Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500



You are likely familiar with the Classifieds area of the forum. We also sell ad packages to companies and individuals. One of these packages is to help you sell your bike.

When you select the Sell Your Bike ad package... after payment.
What to do:

1) Go to the Classifieds and create your classified listing.

2) When we see your ad payment, we will look for the Classified listing and will create a banner ad for you to assist in your sale. It will appear at the bottom of most pages on our site and gets picked up by various search engines. We will also post on our VDR facebook page and on the Delphi Drifter Forum. (Links back to your Classified listing, so make sure you keep that up-to-date.)

3) Make sure you let us know when the bike sells. You will need to verify the ad every 90 days. you can do that by via PM or email - chief@vulcandrifterriders.com.

4) You can contact us via the email address above if you have any questions.


Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500

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