Greetings from Finland

Started by JMJ77, February 02, 2023, 13:31:09 PM

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Finally long winter is over.  :D

Ride safely, regards Jani

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Hi, thnx OR Seedman & mittico68! I asked about saddlebags in modification area, if that's not correct place to ask, moderators pls move it to another section.

Regards Jani


Welcome aboard, from Italy!
And congrats with your new toy. 

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I love my swingin' bike!

OR Seedman

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OR Seedman


Hi everyone, and greetings from Finland. I've been riding mainly with Moto Guzzis in last ten years, but now Griso 1200 has to share same garage with 1999 1500 Drifter, which I purchased few weeks ago. As it's real winter here now, and can't ride propably until May, I have good time to get familiar with Drifter. I have a couple questions concerning saddlebags and mounting them, but will continue with them in another topic.

Best regards Jani

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