About Vulcan Drifter Riders (VDR)

Started by chief, May 16, 2022, 15:00:18 PM

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About VDR -  General Info on the Vulcan Drifter Riders

This site was started in 2008 as a resource for Vulcan Drifter Riders. The Drifter's unique suspension and small production numbers have impacted aftermarket development of accessories. But, drifter riders are resourceful.

There is a lot of great information out there, we've developed some and linked to some. There is over a decade of original information and about 20 years of additional information from the old VDOG and Gadget pages.

We'll add to the site as members tell us what they want to see.  If you find something that needs to be included let us know.


  • New Members will be required to provide the necessary information for assignment of a VDR# when registering. That number will appear in the VDR# field of their profile and in topics. 
  • Existing members should go into their profile and complete the missing account information. 
  • Members without VDR#'s will be assigned a number once the information is completed.
  • There is no longer an individual registration process for acquiring a VDR#.
Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500

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