K-TRIC carb sensor

Started by rob f, March 06, 2020, 08:42:14 AM

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Quote from: rob f on March 08, 2020, 14:20:18 PM

found this:  Kawasaki Throttle Responsive Ignition Control (K-TRIC) throttle-position sensor
Just a fancy name for TPS i guess. Looks like it's used on  kawi sport bikes but i think a version of it is on the Drifter but not on the vn800 classics. Hence the vehicle specific carb only on the drifter. I do have a manual and should have checked it, but easier to ask here if anyone has played with this before.
Probably should leave well enough alone as Troll has warned.

need an interface connection that goes between the tps harness use ohm meter to get the rightvoltage should be 4.9v-5.1

rob f

found this:  Kawasaki Throttle Responsive Ignition Control (K-TRIC) throttle-position sensor
Just a fancy name for TPS i guess. Looks like it's used on  kawi sport bikes but i think a version of it is on the Drifter but not on the vn800 classics. Hence the vehicle specific carb only on the drifter. I do have a manual and should have checked it, but easier to ask here if anyone has played with this before.
Probably should leave well enough alone as Troll has warned.


I've not heard the term "K-TRIC" before - where does that come from and what does it mean?

I can tell you the resistance values, but I'm not sure that would help you.

TPS test and adjustment procedures are in Section 15 of the service manual.

Ride safe, live long and prosper.


don't do it. Finding fuel that won't ping is already a problem in some places.

Recovering H-D owner...W-650 Cafe' No excuses...Ride it or sell it to someone who will!

rob f

Anyone know anything about the K-tric throttle sensor on the vn 800 carbs. I read something about an adjustment that can be done to advance the timing?

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