Just a short ride on the East Coast

Started by Washbrook, January 10, 2016, 19:28:55 PM

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Chief, Yes I have experienced, ie drove and watched. all the variations.

Hopefully I will not be as lazy and post more.

Man of few words.
VROC 35598


Thanks for the pics and the vid, Washbrook. Very enjoyable

No Worries


Quote from: Washbrook on January 14, 2016, 17:21:57 PM

I know the feeling from the first time I drove in the USA. try driving a RHD vehicle in the USA or a LHD vehicle in Aus, it messes with your head.

I lived in the UK -carried my LHD Triumph GT6 sports car... no matter how long (3 years) I drove there... it felt wrong!   Also, we visit St. Thomas USVI frequently... also drives on the left but American cars. Very strange.

Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500

Old Drifter

Washbrook, thanks for posting! Really enjoyed the pics and video.


1999 Drifter


Quote from: Washbrook on January 14, 2016, 17:21:57 PM

I know the feeling from the first time I drove in the USA. try driving a RHD vehicle in the USA or a LHD vehicle in Aus, it messes with your head.

And what about the feeling when you see from behind a RHD vehicle movin' by in your country (or viceversa)? Looks like nobody is driving it... :o

I love my swingin' bike!


I know the feeling from the first time I drove in the USA. try driving a RHD vehicle in the USA or a LHD vehicle in Aus, it messes with your head.

Man of few words.
VROC 35598



Nice video!
And if my ears are not mistakin', you've had a great time by scrapin' those floorboards on the ground... ;)
Man, watchin' that video reminds me the first time that I drove on the left side of the road, in England...Shocking!!!
But most of all, it was such a great pain in the a$$ each time I arrived at a roundabout: I started to look left, but the traffic was coming from the right!!! :-[

I love my swingin' bike!


Cool vid!  The scenery could be straight out of the American southwest.


Actually on this occasion the sports bikes were with me as I was riding with a Kawasaki forum group. I pulled over for them out of courtesy, though you are correct that they did want to push things more than I was comfortable with on the Drifter.

Man of few words.
VROC 35598


 ;D  Really awesome, Oz's answer to the Dragon's Tail...lol....and even there the dumb ass's on sport bikes have to try and push you on a cruiser and make you ride like they want you to, bet it was a lot of fun though.......

GPS is not to get you THERE but rather to get you home from THERE



Check out this video looking backwards form my Drifter of a nice little decent in Tasmania, its a bit different form your normal front facing video clip.


The are a few more of my rides on my Vimeo page [search https://vimeo.com/washbrook ]

Man of few words.
VROC 35598


Ratman just doesn't like it when people start talking sense to him, that's all. ;)


Well winter debates aside, I have 2 more longer trips [3 days plus] planned, 1 later this month [Ararat in Victoria] and one in March [Broken Hill, NSW] so I will try to post more pics when I can. I have no issues with the hijacking as I am as my sign off says, a man of few words.


Man of few words.
VROC 35598


Gentleman please do not hijack Washbrooks thread here........


GPS is not to get you THERE but rather to get you home from THERE


Quote from: chief on January 12, 2016, 11:19:09 AM

Well, we know enough about it to live in the South!!

BA-BAM!!!!!!  And there it is!  TRUTH!!!!


Quote from: CDNRatMan on January 11, 2016, 16:04:37 PM

and what do you southerners know about winter.......

Well, we know enough about it to live in the South!! Had to break out my long sleeve shirts last week-end - but got too warm and had to revert to the short sleeves...  (Actually, was 19 yesterday night and I had to drain the camper water lines. But will be in the 50's this weekend.)

Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500


 and what do you southerners know about winter.......

GPS is not to get you THERE but rather to get you home from THERE


Since you are in your summer, you should be posting a lot more pics for those of us who are stuck in winter!!!

Thanks for the pics.
Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500


  Nice to see you are still around and enjoying your bike. Cool pictures.

GPS is not to get you THERE but rather to get you home from THERE



I still get on the forum from down under but do not post much. I took my Drifter on a 3000 km short ride from Melbourne up to Newcastle over Christmas to catch up with some riding mates and thought it was about time I posted something so you knew I was still around checking in occasionally.

In order:
Near the beach in Hawks Nest NSW.
A rest break on the river, Monaro Highway, Bombala, NSW.
Having breakfast with Vardy and Hagar in Bungendore, NSW.
A mates new bike near my Drifter in Greytanes NSW.

Man of few words.
VROC 35598

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