Board Moderators

Started by chief, February 16, 2013, 18:02:54 PM

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Each area in the forum is called a BOARD.

For most boards, there is no moderator listed which makes ME the moderator. But on some you will find the name of one of our members who has volunteered to be Board Captains. Similar to Ride Captains, they are there to lead the way and keep folks safe. Their actual authority is primarily limited to policing the forum to which they are assigned.

When you look at the board name you will see the moderator's name listed.  These folks are volunteers and after a rigorous testing and training period they are made apprentice moderators and will eventually have the honor of becoming a full fledged moderator. Not really, actually they volunteer and are thrown into the deep end to sink or swim.

We also have GLOBAL Moderators. These guys help out in other areas of the forum. They have a little more authority than moderators and can help you out if you have posting problems etc.

Anything involving membership approvals, suspending or banning members, member contributions, board additions or modifications, program problems, etc is beyond their authority. You should deal with me on those matters.

And, of course, there are several other folks who know a LOT about a LOT of things... look in any board and you will quickly learn who these guys and gals are... we are lucky to have them here.

If you are interested in creating a board that you would like to moderate, or if there is an existing area you think you can make better through your active participation as a moderator, let me know.

Slainte mhaith - Good Health - Cheers

'02 Vulcan Drifter 1500

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